You guys should know that three hero mage MLBB The following items must be used for attack speed so that their abilities are maximized, who are they?
Heroes with high attack speed are generally only owned by marksman heroes, but who would have thought there were some hero mage MLBB which is also required to use item attack speed.
With this item’s attack speed, its ability is maximized, but of course they don’t use full physical attack speed items, they still use magic attack speed items, anyone?
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You could say that this first special hero really has to use the item attack speed, so that skills 1 and 4 can work optimally.
Because without an attack speed item, Zhask is just an ordinary mage who is easy to beat.

Actually, not even using an attack speed item is fine, but Harith himself is required to use an attack speed item so he can show his best abilities.
Because basically this one mage hero relies heavily on basic attacks when attacking, so attack speed items are very necessary.

Lastly, there is Change, in order to maximize Change’s ability, you must buy an attack speed item when using this hero.
His attack speed is really painful, so Change doesn’t just rely on his 3 skills, his basic attack will be able to kill the opponent’s core quickly.
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